25 easy ways to organise drawers
When you think about how many drawers you have throughout your house - in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, home office, wardrobe, kids' play areas - it's no wonder that these spaces become cluttered, over-flowing and messy. That's a lot of drawer space to keep organised!
The biggest trick to drawer organisation is to make sure everything in your home has its own place, so you know exactly what to keep where. And you should be making friends with dividers - they are absolutely the simplest and best way to keep contents organised, particularly those drawers with lots of little bits and pieces. Here's some inspiration and ideas for you...
I really do believe that having a drawer in your home classed as 'the junk drawer' is a mistake waiting to happen. If any random thing can be thrown in, then it will inevitably be filled with 'junk' and become a cluttered mess. Making sure that every time in your home has its own place means you'll always be able to find what you need and there'll be no chance for the clutter to pile up.
However, sometimes there are those bits and pieces that are more difficult to organise - so it pays to use some sort of divider to corral these items. There are loads of simple and creative ideas for doing this - why not try acrylic trays that clip together, small bowls, an ice-cube tray, or double-layered storage trays to fit your drawer and divide everything into clear categories. You'll find lots of great storage options at your local stationery store.
Source: See Jane Work
Source: Bright Nest
Source: Centsational Girl
Why organise the drawer that hold your makeup and bathroom supplies? The biggest reason is that it will save you so much time in the morning getting ready! When you know where everything can be found, and exactly where to put it back, you'll be cutting precious minutes off your morning routine that might otherwise be spent rummaging through bottles, jars, tubes and brushes.
Getting the drawers organised doesn't have to be expensive either - clear storage tubs, narrow plastic baskets, and small bowls can be picked up from your local dollar store at a very low cost. It's a good idea to measure the space you're working with before purchasing any products, to make sure they'll fit and you're best utilizing the space you have.
Source: Kate La Vie
Source: Clean & Scentsible
Source: Bless'er House
SourceL Little green notebook
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Cut down on stress, effort and time spent in the kitchen by thinking about which drawers you could divide to create clear and easy categories. Dividers are perfect in the pantry for things like bread, potatoes and onions. In utensil drawers, it'll be easy to find what you need during the cooking process. You could even try diagonal dividers for easy storage of those longer tools, or a peg-board drawer bottom with dowels to hold food storage containers or pans.
Source: BHG
Source: Tidy Mom
Source: The Kitchn
Source: Houzz
RELATED POST: How I organise the cupboards and drawers {Video}
The home office is an area that definitely needs to be organised in order for you to be as productive as possible, especially if you work from home. Fitted dividers, acrylic trays, small boxes, or even DIY cardboard compartments make everything easy to find. Lining the bottom of the drawer with a colourful paper or fabric will encourage you to keep the contents looking neat too!
Source: The House of Wood
Source: IHeart Organizing
Source: Remodelaholic
Source: Good Housekeeping
Source: The Homes I Have Made
RELATED POST: How to organise your stationery supplies
Dividers in the wardrobe are best for smaller items such as socks, underwear, bras and tights.You could also use dividers for belts, scarves and jewellery to keep everything neat and easy to find what you need. You could have a separate compartment for each of these items (as shown below), or just choose to separate each clothing category into its own box. Shoe-boxes or lids are a perfect and inexpensive solution! A nursery or child's bedroom will also really benefit from dividers as everything is so small and tends to easily get jumbled up!
Source: A Typical Type A
Source: Pure Wow
Source: Ikea
Source: Girl versus Dough
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It can be easy and inexpensive to create your own simple and effective drawer dividers! Why not try covering old food packets and cereal boxes with craft paper for a perfect-fitting drawer solution (I did this with my stationery drawers). Or make some removable wooden dividers that will perfectly fit the contents. Customize a wooden tray with coloured contact paper, or use boxes and gift paper or material to create a look that's truly your own.
Source: Iheart Organizing
Source: Simple Practical Beautiful
Source: Design Sponge
Source: Coco 29