When I first moved in with my now-husband almost 11 years ago (!!), it was into a single-fronted terrace house in an inner-city suburb. The house was in need of some updating and refreshing, but was perfect for us at the time. We poured a lot of time and energy into doing it up as best we could, and as much as we could, but were limited in many respects due to it being a rental.
Although we were happy enough to be in a smaller property due to the great location, the one room of the house I always struggled with was the kitchen. A small, dated, and fairly uninspiring spot in the house, I always felt limited with what I could actually do to improve the organisation situation, and how to create a space that I was happy to spend time in.
Not only did this kitchen have yellow laminate bench-tops, an ancient oven, and drawers that never shut properly, the cabinet storage space was minimal, and I was always shifting things from one spot to another to try and create more space.
Yet over the last 9 years, and in my role as a professional organiser helping others get their own homes sorted no matter their layout or storage situation, I've since discovered and created some fantastic organising solutions. Especially in the kitchen. These strategies could turn even the shabbiest of kitchens into one that is more efficient and functional, and that saves time, effort, energy and money on a daily basis. I only wish I'd have thought of, or known about, these strategies all those years ago in our yellow kitchen!
I wanted to share my own story and the strategies I've learnt, in order to save you from possibly making the same mistakes in your own kitchen. Here are 3 mistakes that could be costing you time and money in your kitchen - it's time to change things before you waste any more!