As a blogger and professional organiser, I come across many different organising needs and struggles from people I talk to, meet with and hear from via my weekly newsletter. These needs and struggles include knowing where to start when it comes to getting more organised, having strategies to overcome the organising barriers and excuses, knowing how to prioritise and schedule tasks, or knowing the process for decluttering and setting up new organised systems. When you start looking in depth at these struggles and concerns, some related themes start to arise. To me, the most common ones are:
Fear/feeling overwhelmed
Lack of knowledge
Maybe you can immediately identify with or relate to one (or some) of these themes? Today I want you to think about what's truly holding you back from getting more organised. I'm giving you some strategies to try to overcome the barriers, but more than anything it comes down to a change of mindset. Anyone can get more organised when armed with the right tools, strategies and knowledge! I know you can too.